I have been drawing and writing since I could hold a crayon, and taking photos almost as long. Some of these projects ended up digitzed and online. My first website was a Geocities site. These projects have been rescued and now live in the 1999 section of this colection.
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Fun and Games with the Azkabar Dementor (2004)
The creepy flying horrors from the Harry Potter movies are available in toy form. This album is designed to be read from the beginning to the end.
i love my toys
Photos of toys from before Flickr took over, featuring the following: paparazzi; friends; tragedies of scale; lurid stories; epiphanies; and wall of toys.
Screamin' Pink Barbiecam
Oh my god! Can you believe it! They're selling Barbie Digital Cameras at the local cheapie bookstore for £25! I have a digital camera! Finally! Yay!
Beautiful Suzy - every little girl would like to be
A christmas tree made from Suzy the mannequin and many toys.